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Artist: Nisha G

Medium: Mixed Media (Painting, Photocollage and Digital Illustration)

Artwork  Size: 18 X 24 Inches

Status: Available

Genre: Contemporary, Conceptual, Modern

Born and based in Lahore, Pakistan, Nisha Ghani (b. 1998) is a multidisciplinary artist, researcher and writer. She is a recent Honor’s graduate of the Fine Arts department at the National College of Arts, Lahore, with a concentration in Printmaking and Digital Media. Ghani’s work revolves around memory and object association, particularly in the South Asian socio-cultural diaspora. She has exhibited locally and internationally, in Lahore, Islamabad and Turkey. Her work has also been published in Acierage Volume 1. Alongside her studio practice, Ghani’s work also spans across art teaching and curriculum design.

“Nisha’s mother often says that the advent of summer brings new beginnings; mausam khul gaya hai; it opens its arms wide and makes space for you, it lets you shed the burden of fear and uncertainty and marks completion.”
Summer arrives in full bloom; it’s warmth and exuberance awakens the conscious. It brings life to the urban landscape; skies come alive and color bursts forth in a riot—rosy pinks, sunny yellows, and fiery oranges—as if competing to capture the attention of its inhabitants. The air, carrying the essence of summer on its wings, marks a time of growth, abundance, and vitality. It symbolizes joy, freedom, and the fullness of life, as people shed their winter weariness and embrace the outdoors. Summer is a season of endless possibilities, where dreams take flight and memories are forged under the sun-drenched days and starlit nights.


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