

Our Soch


Our Soch

What's our ArtSoch?

We’re a Lahore based art gallery with both online and studio presence. With years of experience, our curators have organized extravagant shows all over Pakistan and abroad. We aim to promote Pakistani art and artists who produce artwork to fit into modern spaces. We are about celebrating Pakistani Artists and Art. Our Soch (Urdu for thought, view of point, mentality, or approach) is to introduce our shining artist globally. We provide personalized services for our clients with a gallery display of an exquisite collection of modern and contemporary artwork. We also acquire artwork for art collectors and organizations.


Gallery Vision

ArtSoch looks forward to practicing and expanding forms of curating through introducing a new paradigm of engaging the public into art events. We aim to bring cultural diversity through collaborations and bringing knowledge forth through art talks and workshops.

The gallery seeks to highlight interdisciplinary, enquiry and context-based art exhibitions through experiments and research’ led curatorial projects. We intend to bring multiplicity and public dialogue while addressing the complex and ever-changing social and cultural scenarios of the world.

We look forward to find and create opportunities for passionate artists in their region.

Founding Vision

It started with a Soch. Art is the concrete representation of our subtlest feelings that needs the right audience for appreciation. This is why ArtSoch was built for upcoming and well-established artists to display their work in an environment that knows art the best.

We believe that artwork needs a display so it can find its appreciators. Our team of art connoisseurs holds exhibitions with creations by various artists proficient in their own form of display. This creates awareness about an exquisite collection of modern and contemporary oeuvre from all over Pakistan.


Art & Brand Identity

Artworks help to build brand images. Be it the small-scale startups or the well-established brands in the market, every firm wants to stand out and be unique. The brand identity, though, is not limited to a brand’s logo. Research has shown brand identity as the outward expression of a brand, including its trademark, name, communication and visual appearance. The kind of artworks a company chooses to display in its workspace reveals a lot about the motive and ideologies of the brand and play a very important role in any brand’s visual appearance.

Art Advisory & Services

ArtSoch specializes in sourcing a fresh collection of contemporary art from Pakistan be it for an art enthusiast or the seasoned collectors. We are up to date with latest art trends, upcoming favorite artists and most interesting artworks in town.

ArtSoch is a one-stop solution for art buying to framing, delivery and hanging. We aim to create awareness of art in Pakistan and the first step is to make it more accessible for all. We also provide art consultations for interior design firms and architects to bring projects to completion. Do check our project portfolio tab for pictures. Our team of experts is available for guidance and help with selection of the perfect piece for your space. Connect with us anytime, for a free art consultation.


Rental Art

ArtSoch is delighted to be one of the first galleries to provide rental art services in Pakistan. Rental art services will allow you to live with your favorite artwork for a month before you decide to buy. We have a collection of artworks available for art lovers who often want change in their surroundings or get bored easily. A small fee will be charged for these services depending on the length of time and availability of the artwork chosen. Contact us for further details.



Visual Artist and Co-founder

Born and raised in Karachi, Somia Naveed is an artist and art enthusiast currently residing in Lahore. She has been practicing art since her childhood and pursued it professionally later in 2013...


Visual Artist, Educator, Curator and Co- founder

Mariam Hanif is a Visual Artist based in Lahore, Pakistan. She received her BFA (hons.) and MA (hons.) degree in Visual Arts from renowned National College of Arts, Lahore. Mariam has been endowed...


Co-founder and Head of Marketing

An art appreciator, collector and seller, Shahwaiz is leading the sales and marketing efforts of ArtSoch. He is a self made entrepreneur who played a pivotal role in the formation of this gallery...

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