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Tree Series IV

Price on Request

Artist: Farrah M

Medium: Gouache on Black Wasli

Artwork Size: 18 x 18 inches

Genre: Contemporary, Conceptual, Miniature

Status: Available

Farrah, as an artist, is deeply fascinated by her surroundings. We exist within a society woven from a mix of emotions—pain, happiness, and joy. She incorporates symbols such as the lotus flower, which represents the purity of the feminine, as well as rebirth and self-regeneration, themes prominent in many Eastern religions. The tree in her work symbolizes her connection to society. It represents hope, eternal life, and renewal. A symbol of wisdom, it holds the secrets of both the past and the present. For Farrah, the tree reflects the bond between heaven and earth, humans and nature, resilience and beauty, conveyed through vibrant colors, shapes, and textures. It is sensitive and twisted, with deep roots, illustrating her own natural connection to society and a reminder to stay grounded in our roots. Her work communicates messages through symbols, colors, and relationships. She believes that feelings and emotions are interconnected physical boundaries and that they cannot be separated or isolated. By connecting with nature, we are reminded that we are part of a larger web of life. Our actions impact the world around us, and we hold the power to heal and protect the earth. Through every aspect of her art, Farrah seeks to represent hope.


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