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Scattered Dreams of Happiness

Price on Request

Artist: Ufaq E

Medium: Mix Media on Canvas

Artwork Size: 36 x 36 inches

Genre: Contemporary, Conceptual, Abstract

Status: Available

In her work, Ufaq explores the profound emotional significance of gifts, particularly flowers, as expressions of love, joy, and sorrow. Flowers serve as a universal offering —present in moments of celebration, such as weddings, and in times of grief, like funerals. They bear witness to both the heights of happiness and the depths of loss, embodying a timeless connection between the living and the departed. Through her art, Ufaq employs flowers as a symbol of unwavering presence and emotional support. The deep red that engulfs her work represents the vibrancy of life itself, reinforcing the idea that love, and remembrance transcend time and circumstance.


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