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Convoluted Conversations I

Price on Request

Artist: Romessa K

Medium: Ink on Wasli

Artwork Size: 20.5 x 26.5 inches

Genre: Contemporary, Conceptual, Miniature, Text 

Status: Available

Romessa has also used other artistic forms, such as performance art, to comment on sociopolitical constructs and the role of women within power dynamics.  Her drawings aim to resurface our understanding of the fabric of reality by tracing the events that unfold throughout our lives. In mapping these patterns, Romessa seeks to examine the placement of human existence within the vast network of interconnected
forces, suggesting that these connections can be detected through the phenomenon of quantum entanglement. The drawings transcend a linear understanding of events, inviting the viewer to perceive reality as ever evolving, where time and space are experienced spontaneously. They also encourage us to explore the reverence that plasma interactions with consciousness can inspire, revealing how they can alter the course of events by revisiting the past in the present with renewed insight, all while influencing the predictability of the future.


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