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The Eagle

Price on Request

Artist: Umair Z

Size: 18 x 24 inches

Medium: Permanent Pigment Ink on Acrylic Sheet

Status: Available

Genre: Pointillism, Contemporary Art, Line Art, Conceptual Art

  1. Eagle.

The eye of an eagle is about the same size as that of human’s. But technologically, the eye of an eagle is so advanced that it can see the smallest movement of a rabbit over three kilometers away. Eagle’s eye is specially designed for long-distance focus, and has an unmatched resolution and colour-vision. No wonder, mountain-lovers often claim to feel the presence of a distant, sourceless gaze upon them.

  1. Swift

The longest human flight lasted over two months (by Bob Timm and John Cook in 1958-59). Can you guess how long can a swift fly nonstop? (search it up yourself because you might not believe it at first)

  1. Flamingo

Flamingoes are born grey but while growing up and apparently out of nowhere- a sharp pink pigment starts proliferating in its skin. It is a classic example of molecular-level reorganizations in nature.

sees depends both upon what he looks at and also upon what his previous visual-conceptual experience has taught him to see” by Thomas Kuhn. The stubbornness of human behavior related to these factors disturbs the artist’s concept of what personal freedom of choice should look like. Is this the true knowledge that we observe or there exists a greater reality of this world? The artist inquires certain questions through her work; she evokes a sense of unfamiliarity projecting the imagery in an uncanny setting. She explores how these constructs of race, culture, mortality, beauty, etc are pre-conceived in our minds and to what extent a human being is affected by these societal factors.


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